OKACRL Conference – Call for Posters

Call for Poster Sessions at the OK-ACRL Annual Conference, November 14, 2008

Training and Education Center, Rose State College

This year the OK-ACRL Annual Conference will feature poster sessions either on the conference theme of library security or on other innovative projects, services, research, or initiatives at your library that you would like to share with your colleagues.  Library students are also encouraged to submit proposals.

Submit your 200 word max. abstract along with contact information on presenters by October 6, 2008 to Laura Teske (lteske at  Word document attachments or plain text emails are acceptable; please put “OK-ACRL poster session” in subject line.

Final selection of posters to be offered at conference will be made by October 20


  • At least one of the authors must be present during the assigned time to answer questions and discuss the contents of the display with conference attendees 

  • Poster presentations can introduce unique collections or services, discuss a problem and the research, action, or methodology used to solve that problem, or outline findings of research or study 

  • Displays should be visually appealing (charts, photographs, diagrams, graphics, illustrations, etc.) and should also clearly state the purpose of the display 

  • Presenters can also bring handouts or other supplementary materials (no duplication services will be provided) and a sign-up sheet to record names and addresses of attendees who would like additional information 

  • There will also be table space for participants to place handouts or other supplementary materials

  • These are the only materials that will be provided to participants 

  • Presenters must bring their own materials to mount their displays or have their displays already mounted on their own poster board

  • There will be no electrical outlets available but authors can bring laptops, etc.