Revisions to the Bylaws were put to a vote of the Membership in November of 2022 and accepted. A PDF version is available for download.
OK-ACRL Bylaws
Revised and adopted November 18, 2022
The name of this organization shall be Oklahoma Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Inc. (OK-ACRL).
The Chapter shall provide opportunities for professional growth and communication among academic and research librarians, encourage the exchange of ideas and information relating to library development, and enhance library service to all users of academic and research libraries in the state.
This organization is an affiliate of the American Library Association. It is subject to Article XIV: Chapters of the ACRL Bylaws and Chapter 5 of ACRL’s Guide to Policies and Procedures.
Any student, librarian, institution, or individual residing in the state of Oklahoma with an interest in academic librarianship can become a member of OK-ACRL.
Any individual who is a member of the OK-ACRL mailing list is considered to be a member of OK-ACRL.
There are no dues or fees associated with becoming a member of OK-ACRL. Membership is free of charge.
The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. In compliance with Chapter 5.7.1 of ACRL’s Guide to Policies and Procedures, at least one member of the OK-ACRL Board of Directors must be a member of ACRL.
The officers shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected, except for the Treasurer and the Secretary, who shall both serve for two years. All officers shall take office January 1 and shall serve through December 31 of the same year except for the Treasurer and the Secretary, who shall serve through December 31st of the second year following election. The elections of Treasurer and Secretary shall occur on alternating years.
The duties of the officers shall be those which normally pertain to those officers and any other duties specified in the Bylaws. In addition,
iii. The President shall function as the Chapter’s representative and participate in Chapter Council (5.7.1).
vii. In the second year of the secretary’s term, the current President shall appoint a committee to review and update the Policies & Procedures, and recommend any relevant bylaw revisions. Should any amendments to the bylaws be approved, the Past President shall provide the new bylaws to the ACRL office.
vii. The President shall ask at least one Member-At-Large to maintain communication outlets beyond the email list and the website that are in use by OK-ACRL.
iii. The President-Elect shall oversee the chapter’s elections.
iii. The Secretary shall maintain any shared documents for the OK-ACRL board.
A vacancy in any office shall be filled by an appointment made by the Board of Directors.
A regular business meeting shall be held at least once a year.
Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or by petition of ten Chapter members.
One tenth of the current membership shall constitute a quorum for a business meeting of the Chapter.
The Chapter shall sponsor at least one program each year. Programs shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the four officers, as well as the Past President, three Members elected At Large, a Web Manager, a Development Coordinator, an Archivist, and the chairpersons from each special interest section. All members of the Board shall be voting members with the exception of special interest section chairpersons and the Archivist, who are considered ex officio, non-voting members of the Board. All members of the Board shall perform other duties as specified in the OK-ACRL Guide to Policies and Procedures.
iii. The Past President shall submit information about the incoming President, President-Elect and Past President, as well as changes to chapter bylaws, to national ACRL.
the year, will print documents and store them in a secure place.
and where they are stored.
iii. The Archivist will be appointed by the President, with approval by the majority of the
Board, and will serve a three-year term, which can be renewed indefinitely by majority
members and the public through the email listserv, social media, and other appropriate
majority of the Board, and will serve a one-year term. The position will become an elected
position following the initial one-year appointment.
iii. Each Member-At-Large shall vote on matters of Board business.
Officers shall serve the term of their office. The three Members-At-Large and the Web Manager shall serve for two years and shall be elected in alternate years. The Development Coordinator shall be elected and serve a renewable three year term, automatically renewable once.
The Board of Directors shall have general oversight and direction of the affairs of the Chapter. It shall have authority to make decisions for the Chapter during the periods between meetings.
The Board of Directors shall hold at least two meetings a year. Other meetings may be called as necessary. A quorum for the Board shall be four members, at least three of whom are officers.
Except for emergency meetings, all meetings shall be announced at least fourteen (14) days in advance at a prior meeting or through email or other means. All members are expected to attend regularly. Emergency meetings may be called for good cause at any time by the President or President-Elect and may be held upon the attainment of a quorum with subsequent, immediate notification via email to all members not in attendance as to all actions taken. Generally the Board will meet monthly. Meetings may be in-person, electronic, or a combination.
If any Board member cannot complete their term on the Board, the position shall be filled by an appointment made by the remaining members of the Board.
Standing Committees may be authorized by the Board of Directors. The name, purpose, and size of the committee shall be specified at the time of its authorization. The Chairperson and other members of each committee shall be named by the President of the Chapter.
Ad hoc committees may be authorized by the President of the Chapter as needed.
Discontinuance. Any committee may be discontinued or declared inactive by the Board of Directors.
Special Interest Sections may be formed within the structure of OK-ACRL, subject to the Bylaws of the Chapter. Any individual/entity who is a member of the Section mailing list is considered to be a member of that Section. Members of any Section must also be members of OK-ACRL. Each Special Interest Section may elect a Chairperson, a Chair-Elect, a Webmaster and, if needed, a Secretary. The Section Chairperson shall represent their group at OK-ACRL Board meetings in a non-voting capacity. Sections may create any other positions they feel are necessary but must notify the Board each year of new positions.
The election shall be held no later than November 30. The President-Elect shall compose and present a slate of candidates to the members one week before election. The President-Elect shall utilize all available means to advertise available positions and make every effort to procure at least two candidates per vacancy. Members may submit the names of candidates of their choice during the open call for nominations and before the deadline set by the President-Elect in the call, and those names will be added, upon consent of the nominee to serve if elected is obtained. All members shall receive a ballot. Ballots must be returned and counted by December 5. Candidates receiving a plurality of votes cast shall be elected. In the case of a tie vote, the successful candidate shall be determined by lot.
Adoption of the Bylaws requires a majority vote by OK-ACRL members present and voting at a meeting at which they are to be considered.
The Bylaws may be amended by an affirmative majority of members voting at a Chapter meeting provided such amendments are consistent with the ACRL Bylaws. Notification of changes which are substantive must be sent to all members a minimum of one week prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.
The Board will conduct a brief bi-annual review of bylaws to determine if bylaws amendments are necessary. The review will occur in the second year of the Secretary’s term.
The membership year shall be the calendar year.
Upon the dissolution of OK-ACRL, the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the organization, dispose of all assets of the organization exclusively for the stated purposes of the organization.
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