OK-ACRL Outstanding Service Award
OK-ACRL is a not-for-profit organization and is fully staffed by volunteers. We feel it is important to recognize the effort these volunteers put into planning an annual conference and other workshops. Therefore, OK-ACRL gives out an outstanding service award each year to those individuals who have provided exemplary service to the organization and/or its subgroups.
Award Criteria
Heavily adapted from and borrowed from UCO Library’s Employee of the Quarter Rules and Criteria, 07-08-11
This award will be given annually (if nominations are made) to individuals showing extraordinary service or contributions to the organization over time.
Who can be nominated?
Any individual who has provided a minimum of 4 years service in either OK-ACRL or its interest groups and who has shown extraordinary service or contributions to the OK-ACRL organization over time can be nominated. Service is not limited to elected or appointed positions but also includes meritorious service such as helping with the annual conference, e.g., helping with logistics, providing refreshments, AV help, marketing materials, etc.
Who can nominate?
Anyone can submit to the Board a letter of nomination and gatherer two supporting letters of nominations with supporting information or evidence, but the Board makes the final decision on giving awards. Nominations and letters of nominations need not be over a page each.
How many awards will be given each year?
One award will be awarded each year but the Board deserves the right to award more than one award in a given year.
What will the award consist of?
Winners of the award will receive:
1. An outstanding service award plaque from the OK-ACRL Board (as determined by the Board)
2. Free attendance to the following year’s OK-ACRL conference and interest group workshops.
How do I nominate someone?
To nominate, compose a letter of nomination and gather two supporting letters of nominations with supporting information or evidence. Fill out the nomination form and email the support letters to clarke.iakovakis@okstate.edu.
On your nomination letter, you will need to enter the name and email of the person you are nominating, as well as your name and contact details (email address and phone number).
When nominating someone, you have the option of remaining partially anonymous. If you wish that your nomination remain anonymous, please say so in your email or in your nomination letter. By deciding to remain anonymous, only the panel of judges will know who you nominated. If the person you nominated ends up winning the award, that person, and everyone else, will not know that you were the one who submitted the nomination.
Is there a limit to the number of people I can nominate?
No. You may nominate as many people as you like every year.
If I nominated someone for the award and they didn’t win, will I need to resubmit a nomination if I would like to nominate them again for the next award?
Nominations will have a two year eligibility window at the Board’s discretion. If the Board has received several high quality nominations, the Board reserves the right to decide to carry over the other nominee(s) to the next year without the individual having to be nominated for a second time.
The Board will contact the person who made the nomination if their nominee and nomination will be carried over to the second year by December of the initial nomination year.
How will I know if someone deserves to be nominated?
Look at the established criteria the Board will be using to determine the winner. If the person you wish to nominate meets the established criteria, then they deserve to be nominated.
How much detail should I go into when filling out the “Why do you feel this person deserves to win the OK-ACRL Outstanding Service Award?” box on the nomination form?
This is a matter of personal choice. However, a page would be the ideal minimum length.
Who are the judges?
Voting members of the OK-ACRL Board will be the judges. If Board members make nominations or are nominated, they will sit out of judging process for the award.
How will the judges pick the winner?
The judges will be primarily relying on a set of established criteria in order to determine the winner.
The criteria are as follows:
1. Provided a minimum of 4 years service in either OK-ACRL or its interest groups (service is not limited to elected or appointed positions)
2. Shown extraordinary service or contribution to OK-ACRL or its interest groups.
3. Displayed meritorious service to OK-ACRL or its interest groups by helping with the annual conference or workshop e.g., helping with logistics, providing refreshments, AV help, marketing materials, etc. The judges will also consider other factors at their discretion when selecting a winner, such as if a particular individual has been nominated by more than one person.
When are the nominations due?
Nominations due dates will be set and announced each year. Nominations will, usually, be due two months before OK-ACRL’s annual Fall Conference (usually in September).
When will the awards be given out?
The awards will be given out during the calendar year’s OK-ACRL Fall Conference.
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